Cleaning Silk Robe

Silk is the most luxurious fabric generally preferred for comfort and elegance. It tends to get destroyed very frequently, therefore proper care and maintenance is required from the side of owner to use it for longer period. There are two types of silk fabrics; washable and non washable. Generally silk fabric is dry cleaned, inspite of using water based cleaning. You can make out the difference in fabric by properly going through the cleaning instructions mentioned on the tag of the fabric. Also only non-alkaline methods are used for cleaning silk fabric which helps in maintaining its softness and color. We will guide you in the process of silk fabric cleaning by providing you with simple cleaning method which is very effective. It is advised to clearly go through these points before taking up the silk fabric cleaning process by your own.

Silk Fabric Cleaning Instructions

  • Primary step is to remove all the items from the pocket of the robe so that they do not get destroyed due to cleaning process.
  • Take a tub and fill it with lukewarm water. In this add 1 tbsp of baby shampoo and mix it with your hand to create soap suds. Baby shampoo is used because of its mildness.
  • Indulge a silk robe in this soapy water and gently move it inside the solution without using any brush or rubbing technique.
  • Continue this process for 2-3 minutes till the robe get completely soaked with the solution.
  • Drain the water from the tub and lift up the robe.
  • Then fill clean lukewarm water on the tub and again indulge the silk robe into it for the purpose of rinsing. This is necessary to remove soapy solution from the surface as well as fibers of the silk fabric.
  • Continue this process for 1 minute till soapy solution is completely removed.
  • Pat the robe by inserting it between two white towels so that the excess moisture can be soaked from the surface. Leave them for 30 minutes.
  • When the silk robe is dampened, it is then dried by place it below fans.

This method is the most safest, yet effective in cleaning any of the silk fabric without using any harsh and abrasive chemical and bleaching solution. But, if the cleaning need of your silk robe is not fulfilled by this process, then you can always opt for professional service.

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